I'm going to take this time to officially announce the launch of my new business: JK Create! This is something that I've been wanting to do for SO long and finally had the opportunity and nerve to dive in. JK Create offers graphic design services for small businesses and individuals that is cost-effective and responsive to each client's needs. We can help with anything from business cards to logo design to event invitations. Check out my temporary site at
jkcreate.net - full site on it's way!
But wait, there's more!
JK Create is one of five businesses that makes up Capital City Creative Productions (abbreviated CCCP, but NO affiliation to the former USSR - despite our red curtains! lol). These other businesses are See Foley Run, Bossa Koba, Michigan Shirt Works, and Mid Michigan Property Service Group. If you want to stop in the office (omg so exciting...) and learn more about us, we're located in the old City Pulse office at the corner of Michigan and Clemens, two doors West of The Green Door. Look for the building with beautiful murals courtesy of
Rob Shelburg on the side! We (and this artwork) have already been spotted by local media:
check it out!

Last night we had an open house for local businesses and people to check out who we are and see what we've done to improve the office. No offense City Pulse, but you left it a total disaster! The place has cleaned up pretty nicely though. What I LOVE about our open house is that the walls are now loaded with beautiful artwork!
Bossa Koba's collections (including pieces from LaCargo and Koba9) as well as contributions from and
Stefan Johnson made the office look 1000 times better!
Of course, being artsy, I had to do some kind of contribution... so I melted crayons! If you like these pieces, check out
this blog to learn how to make one (or several) yourself!
Ignore my incredibly messy desk... just look at the pretty pictures. |
Overall, the night was a success, and we're all very excited about this new venture! Check us out, we have a lot to offer the Greater Lansing area, and look forward to our bright future!
The CCC Productions team! |
Congratulations Jessi!! Your business looked great!