Oh what a week! The past eight days have been spent in the lovely state of California. Along with the states of exhaustion, excitement, anxiety, and enlightenment... among others.
My boyfriend and I went out to Los Angeles to attend the TAXI Music Road Rally, and I cannot even begin to express how fantastic it was! The people we met were wonderful, the teachers were incredibly personable and informative, and the experience was unforgettable! If you are a singer/songwriter/producer or anyone else interested in the music industry, look into
TAXI and the Road Rally, I can't rave about them enough.

While out in LA, Justin and I were fortunate enough to spend time relaxing with my brother and his girlfriend, and they let us crash at their place which was only 15 minutes from the rally. A BIG money saver. They live near the ocean, and our first full day in Cali was met with sunshine and 80° weather - my definition of a perfect November day. We walked along the pier, watched dolphins, surfers, and seals. Then ate at a local diner, and watched the sun sink into the ocean.
We had such an incredible time out there, and can't wait to apply the things we've learned! I'm so excited to see how much changes before next year's rally, it's going to be great!
And onto some more exciting news! HUGO Create, the creative platform for HUGO Boss has published their interview of me! They had contacted me several weeks ago and I was beside myself with excitement. I mean, HUGO Boss. That's pretty awesome. You can check out the full interview
here! Be sure to check out ALL the amazing artists they feature! I'm still kind of shocked to have been grouped among so much talent, but more so just excited!
HUGO Create is a global, creative challenge that allows people from multiple creative backgrounds to "compete." Actually, I would describe it as more of an outlet. It was originally started as a way to promote the HUGO man fragrance, but from what I've seen, it's become so much more! There are several competitions that are free to enter, and take place around the world. Check out
their site for more information and for their current challenge!
Hope you all are enjoying November thus far! And if you haven't checked it out yet, take a look at my new website for
JK Create!