Friday, June 24

On TOP of the mountains

Isn't it funny how the directions from most GPS systems don't prepare you for certain things? Like DRIVING ON TOP OF THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS! Now, I'm not complaining because this was one of the most beautiful roads I have ever been on (also one of the most terrifying...), but a heads up would have been nice. So, for your enjoyment, I created a little photo/video montage of our exploration above the tree line, through roads lined with 9' walls of snow, and riding on THE TOP OF THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS. Hope you like it. =)

Sunday, June 19

Mural, mural, on the wall...

Hello there! I just finished a mural for Gear Up College Day Camp at MSU and have to show it off. This thing was the 2nd largest mural I've done (largest being 12' x 7') and the beach scene was a blast to do. It's for a luau party, so I thought, "What better than a beach sunset?" I absolutely love painting sunsets. They're are quite possibly the most amazing moment of my day. Living on a body of water makes it even more magical, although the Rocky Mountains have breathtaking sunsets as well (though I prefer the sunrises in Colorado).

This was my first mural. I designed it while on a missions trip in Gulkana, Alaska. Everyone pitched in with painting it and the villagers loved it! This was the bus stop for the village children, and was just a plain shed before we got our hands on it!

Just after I moved back from Colorado, I had the opportunity to paint several murals in a residence. Here's one of them:

And now, to the most recent! I was so excited when my friend asked me to do a backdrop/mural for the program she works in. Gear Up is such a great program, and the people are wonderful! I had the chance to go to hang out with them this past weekend and we all had so much fun! Without further adieu, here it is - the progression of a mural!


The kids I babysit for - they LOVED it!
Painting is such a release for me - especially large scale paintings. And I definitely needed that stress-reducer after the past few, well, months. But an even better way to calm down, regroup, and reload? VACATION!! I'm leaving tomorrow on a road trip for one of my best friends' wedding in Montana! Justin and I are driving out and will arrive on Wednesday. I can't wait to see everyone! And it's in Kalispell, aka: Glacier National Park! I bet there will be some pretty awesome sunsets to inspire me. =)

Quick update for those who are waiting for my Etsy site to launch: I'll be posting everything at the beginning of July. Since I'll be gone for a week and a half, I'd rather not put up the shop and then make any orders wait until I return. So it will be up there soon and thanks for your patience! "See" you all soon!

Wednesday, June 8

Inspiration from a fellow blogger...

While checking the updates to the blogs I follow, I read a post by Smudge Animation that really stuck a chord with how my life is going right now. Starting my own business, while still having several other jobs to fund said business, has taken up a LOT of my time. The areas in my life that were once dedicated to calming my thoughts and recharging are now devoted to meeting deadlines and growing my business. I've noticed my creative juices are not flowing as well as they have, and this post reminded me that it's time to make artistic experimentation a priority again. 

Following are a few excerpts from the Smudge's blog:

"Something that I have found which is sorely lacking in professional life is the opportunity to experiment. Back in college, we had the opportunity to spend hours in the labs tinkering with our own ideas and projects. The sky was the limit because we didn't have the pressure of client-imposed deadlines or an employer breathing down our neck... 
But when you're on the job, you're expected to always know the correct answer at a moment's notice since 'you' are the expert. That expectation may or may not be realistic. While we should always continue learning about our career choice, the opportunities to continue learning and experimenting aren't always available... 
As time marches on, I am coming to the conclusion that if I want to progress both as an artist/animator and in my career, I cannot neglect the importance of experimentation."

To read the full blog, click here.